Advanced Swift Spring Fling Giveaway Winners — and Last Day for Discount!

RWDevCon 2016 Vault GiveawayHopefully, you’ve enjoyed a taste of our new advanced Swift books and tutorials over the last two weeks, from design patterns, to getting started with Realm Database, to exploring data structures and algorithms.

And the 40% discount on the bundled books is a really sweet deal, too!

As part of the celebration, we’re giving away a few Advanced Swift Spring Book Bundles to a few lucky readers. See below to find out who’s won — and how to get the discounted bundle before time runs out!

Advanced Swift Spring Fling Givewaway Winners

To enter the giveaway, we asked you to add a comment to the announcement post with the answer to the question:

What are you most excited about in our new lineup?

We’ve randomly selected three winners, and each will receive a free copy of our Advanced Swift Spring Bundle digital editions.

The winners are:

1) rgottlieb

“What I’m most excited about this new bundle is that I’m teaching my 11-year-old daughter to program. She’s a fast learner and will eventually want more advanced materials. For me, it will be a refresher but in Swift. I also want to learn how to develop in a more Swifty way! Thanks!”rgottlieb

2) harte93

“I’m most excited about the Design Patterns book. Looking forward to trying more of them out.”harte93

3) tom77w

“I am so hyped about all three new books because they will elevate my Swift programming skills and knowledge to develop great reliable apps.”tom77w

Congratulations! We’ll be in touch soon to deliver your prizes.

Last Day for Discount!

Today, April 27, 2018, is the absolute last day to grab the 40% discount on our Advanced Swift Spring Bundle. It’s the final day for both the bundle and the discount, so if you want to level up your Swift learning, today is the day to do it!

Thanks to everyone who entered the giveaway, bought the books, read the tutorials, left comments in the forums, shared our posts on Twitter and sent us some great comments over the last two weeks. We truly appreciate you for making what we do possible.

The post Advanced Swift Spring Fling Giveaway Winners — and Last Day for Discount! appeared first on Ray Wenderlich.

Advanced Swift Spring Fling Giveaway Winners — and Last Day for Discount! published first on

Author: Iyar

I have worked out on Web Platform Team at leading software company, but this blog IYAR, its content and opinions are my own. I blog about technology, culture, gadgets, diversity, code, the web, where we're going and where we've been. I'm excited about community, social equity, media, entrepreneurship and above all, the open web.